Multi-Sport Bamboo Flooring
Smith Fong Bamboo MultiSport® is Smith Fong Bamboo’s bamboo gym flooring option. Smith Fong Bamboo MultiSport floor is 18mm thick, and milled into 1.8m planks. This makes installation a breeze. Smith Fong Bamboo offers an industry compliant underlayment system for basketball, volleyball, and many other court sports. Smith Fong Bamboo MultiSport has the strength of traditional sports flooring with added benefits of responsibly harvested, rapidly renewable moso bamboo. Smith Fong Bamboo MultiSport flooring is manufactured using the Soybond process. This process is employed by Smith & Fong Co. that does not use any formaldehyde adhesives, but soy instead. The bamboo sports floor is third party tested for formaldehyde as well as other volatile organic compound (VOCs) emissions and has SCS FloorScore® Certification. Smith Fong Bamboo MultiSport and fitness floor is also made of 100% FSC® certified bamboo (FSC® Pure).If you are interested in learning more about Smith Fong Bamboo Sport flooring and underlayment system options, please click here